Watershed Organization Research


  1. Looks like this organization has accomplished many great achievements in their short history.

    1. Calvin, thanks for saying 1966 (when the organization began) accomplished a lot in a short time... I was born in 1966. Chris

    2. I agree with Calvin that they seem to have found a lot of productive ways to protect the watershed. That said, has their work created any conflicts with "pro-growth" business stakeholders in the area?

    3. The organization has been a part of stopping some developments, which I am sure was frustrating to the parties proposing them. In general, it seems that the groups thinking about the growth and development of the Raleigh-Durham area view having a greater than average amount of space devoted to parks and natural areas as positive. There is understanding that improving the health of the Eno River watershed is good for local recreation opportunities and the water supply. Hopefully, the Association will continue to succeed in protecting additional land along the river, despite the rapid development currently occurring in the area.

  2. I love the idea of corporate workdays or a festival surrounding the celebration of the river! What a cool way to celebrate the local heritage and resource that makes life possible. Also a great way to open the eyes of the public to how important it is and how they can be involved in its future. --Brittany G


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